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Newsletter January-2024: So precious!


Updated: Sep 6, 2024

Recently, I have been taking the time to write down 3-4 things almost each evening in a gratitude journal. On this Sunday evening, I find myself looking back at what I have particularly enjoyed over the weekend.

And the moments which I remember the most are: complicity and laughter with my husband, affectionate exchanges with my son, seeing the mountains I admire from another angle and making progress on my skis (it is not easy to start skiing when you are an adult!!).

In fact simple things.

And I try, day after day, to appreciate these simple things.

Not to get annoyed by a behaviour, to see what it teaches me about myself.

Be able to remember and be grateful for these moments that, the next moment, are only in my memory.

If I experience them in an unmindful way, what will I have left of them? Then is it really to live them?

This year, I wish us all to be a little more in the present moment every day and to appreciate the precious moments we live.

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